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One Liners

Two flowers:
I love you, darling!!!
I love you, too!!!
I want you so much!!! Where the f**k are those darned bees?
''WOW!'' - said gynaecologist.
''WOW!!!'' - answered him the echo.
A blonde walked into a hardware store, picked up the hinges she was looking for, and went to go pay for them.
The clerk asked her, ''Need a screw for those hinges?''
''No, but how about a blow job for the shovel in the back?''
A lady goes to a dentist,she sits on the chair and starts taking off her clothes.
Dentist: Err..mam I'am not a gynaecologist.
Lady, I know, I just want you to remove my husband's denture.
A SSC class is told to draw a woman's reproductive system.Onegirl is so shy she's facing down.
A boy YELLS, ''Sir,she's copying frm the originals.
Wife, If I sleep with your best friend what will be the first thought to cross yoir mind?
Husband, That you are a lesbian.
The doctor was surprised to find old man Jones sitting on the bed holding up his middle finger and sticking out his tongue. He walked over to the nurse.
''Excuse me,'' said the doctor, ''but why is Mr. Jones sitting like that?''
''I told him you were going to examine his sexual organs.''
Son: What's the defference between Love, relief and belief ?
Father: Your mom is love, your maid is my relief and I'm your Dad- well that's my belief.
Mom, hey, Mom! Lennie passed his bar exam so we're going to get married next week!'' The bride-to-be was ecstatic.
''Gee, honey, don't you think you two should wait till he's been practicing for a year or so?'' cautioned her mother.
''Oh Mom,'' said the bride with a blush, ''we've been practicing.''
The little boy comes home from school and asks mom, ''Where do babies come from?''
Not wanting to get into the discussion of sex at such an early time she replies, ''From the stork of course!''
The little guy thinks for a few seconds and then asks, ''But mom, who f**ks the stork?''

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