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Religion Jokes

Satanic Barney Proof Given: Barney is a CUTE PURPLE DINOSAUR Prove: Barney is satanic The Romans had no letter 'U', and used 'V' instead for printing, meaning the Roman representation would for Barney would be: CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR Extracting the Roman numerals, we have: CV V L DI V And their decimal equivalents are: 100 5 5 50 500 1 5 Adding those numbers produces: 666. 666 is the number of the Beast. Proved: BARNEY IS SATAN! oIvo ?/USD' SATANUSD~ . and amp;?/' USDUSD, ,/?/' /-. .-~T, ,/?/' /SATAN IS, and amp;' LT ? ?I/HATE@:~:USDv. USDkv.??, d USDUSD'9P'I-LOVESATAN/USDUSD~?USD ,R/ /USD?~' and amp; and amp;< ?b ~USDP:c: /vv,#::?<< and amp;:'T dUSD/' :. o/ and amp;. ,P o and amp;Z''.## MH ,USDUSD' :USDH and amp;. b?b. . and amp;' 96*.-v.:?/USD and amp;?USD and amp;*' USD?. * and amp;* ,P ?~-~' USDUSDS>' 7b ,T/ and amp; and amp;. d? T' /b . and amp;J' > d' T, and amp;L / ? ?, 9 JT H ?, H / 9, M PJ' H bT, T T/L H b M and amp;T, M 9, 9 L9, M and amp;. ?*,9 b d ?(H. b ?b * and amp;. . J*b o/. and amp;. ,P 9/L 9: and amp;. 9 ?? H9. *?9 b . and amp;' / . L ./' H d/qZbo. M .,' ,T ./~ and amp;USDUSD???/' HUSD H .o'' J ,*/'' ? ' ./?ov*b9, ,USDP ,Td ,USDUSD'' ?M ,USD/ J ,USD?/ M ?USD/ M >. .,~9USD'' T d'M. 9 Hi:R and amp;: and amp; and amp;6 and amp;' ./USDJ . M Z: HT and amp;H and amp;>v bT, .. v,? M .:Z and amp;. H DEATH~>TO9H ?* ?USD#'H 9ALL1KIDS* .USD/ bZ and amp; ,o and amp;KILL and amp;/' ?USD.:?ooo/*' USDUSDb MAIM*:./' ' ' ~? and amp;qDESTROY#/'

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